


Sagittarius constellation Dhanus mandala – Burj al Kaws – Toxotes – Archer and the bow. Sagittarius. Beta – Lanka. Gamma – Tulasi. Epilson – Kaus Australis, the southern bow. The milk dipper. Asterisms in Sagittarius Purva Ashada nakshatra, the 20th. 4 stars that look like a bed stead. Made up of Alpha, Gamma, Epsilon and …

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Lyra constellation, Draco and Opiuchus

ursa minor

Draco Takshaka mandala – Nachaāch – Dragon – Tānnum, the serpent. Draco the constellation. Alpha – Thuban (snake) – Uttanapada – the dragon – Adib, the wolf/jackal. Beta – Rastaban, the head of the dragon – Al Waid, she camel – Alawid, the lute player. Gamma – Eltanin – Sparsamani. Delta – Altais – Nodus …

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Scorpio constellation Vrischika mandala – Burj al Akrab – Scorpion – Nepa. Scorpio. Alpha – Antares – Rohini-tara – Anti – Areus – Hakrab – Angaraka – Mangala – Virabhadra – Virochana. Beta – Graffias – Acrab (claws) – Syam – Ikhil, the crown. Delta – Dschubba (forehead). Theta – Sargas (seizer). Zeta – Sabal. …

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Constellation Hercules Harikulesa mandala – Engonasin – Ingeniculus – Nisus/Nixus – Al Jatha, the kneeler. Forms 3 lotuses. Hercules the constellation. Alpha – Ras Algethi (head of the kneeling one). Beta – Kornephoros (club-bearer) – Rutilicus, little spade. Delta – Sarin. Kappa – Maasim (wrist). Xi – Marfik. Omega – Cujam (club). Stars at Sidereal …

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Constellation Libra & Others


Constellation Libra Tula mandala – The balance – Burj al Mizan – Chelai, the claws. Constellation Libra. Alpha – Zuben Esh Shemali, the northern claw(of the scorpion) – Saumya-Kilaka – Zubenesh. Beta – Zuben el Janib – Zubenelg, southern claw – Yamya Kilaka. Delta – Mulu-Lizi, man of fire – Tarit – Al Hakrab, the scorpion. …

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Bootes & Ursa Minor constellation

fortunate star

Bootes the Constellation Bhutesa mandala – The Waggoner – Bubulcus – Simak al Ramih. Bootes. Alpha – Arcturus – Nishthya – Kharga – bear guardian. Beta – Nekkar, cattleman/driver – Bakkar – Alkalurops, shephard’s staff. Gamma – Seginus – Theguius. Epsilon – Izar – Pulcherrima – the wonderful star – Mirak. Eta – Murphid, the …

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Coma Berenices constellation Karimunda mandala – the head of the elephant – The trees of Berenice – Plokamos – Urna-nabhi-mandala, the constellation of spiders – The threads gossamer – Gan-devas. Alpha – Diadem. Stars at Sidereal Zodiac Degree Diadem 15°05’ Virgo – Alpha Coma Berenices. The bright star in the necklace. The Gossamer threads, Karimunda …

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Ursa Major

Ursa Major

Ursa Major constellation Saptarishi mandala – The Great bear – constellation of the seven sages – Amesha Spentas – Bilu-Zakki-Mati (lord of the ghost-worlds) – Haptoiring – Chitra-Sikhandi – Rikshah – Dub-Kabir – Arctos Megale – Margidda, the long chariot – Plaustrum major, great wagon – Ti-cheh, chariot of the supreme – The great Wain …

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Leo Minor constellation Simha-sāvaka mandala – lesser Lion. Leo Minor. Alpha – Praecipula (principal star). Stars at Sidereal Zodiac Degree Praecipua 7°01’ Leo – Omicron Leo Minor. Chief, or leader.  Leo constellation Simha mandala – Burj al Ased – The Lion – Urgula, big dog – Layish – Aru – Shir – Lik-gula – Aryeh …

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Unicorn and surrounding constellations


Canis Minor constellation  Suni mandala – The lesser dog – Kalb al Mutakāddim – Kuon – Shira al Ghumus – The Warner – Antecanis, the little dog. Alpha – Procyn – Sarama – Palura – Pallika (crossing of the water-dog) – Keleb Maim (dog of the waters) – Maira, the sparkler. Beta – Gomeisa (the …

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Cancer Constellation

cancer constellation

Cancer constellation Karkata mandala – Burj al Sartan – Nagar Assura – Sertan – Karkinos – Nam Garu – Kulira – The crab – Chin (the hare) – Carcinus. Cancer constellation. Alpha – Acubens (claw) – Lopasa (the fox) – Lulla – Az-zuben. Beta – Tarf (eye/glance). Gamma – Asellus Borealis (northern ass). Delta – …

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Argo Navi & Sundry constellations


Argo Navi constellation Arnavayāna mandala – Nau – Maganda-anna (ship of the canal of heaven) – Argo-navis, the bright ship – El Sefina. The Ship of the Heavens – constellation Argo Navi. Alpha – Canopus – Māna – Agastya (Presser of oceans) – Merigious(the ground star) – Kanobos – Kārbana – Manya – Māndārya. Beta …

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Canis Major etcetera

Canis major

Lepus constellation Sasa mandala – Logos – The hare – Kapoti (she-dove) Alpha – Arneb, the hare – Arnab Beta – Nihal, camel’s quenching thirst – Nibal – Nawahil – Kursi el Jauza, footstool of the giant The stars Alpha, Beta, Epsilon, Theta, Eta, Delta and Gamma of Lepus form the she-dove or Kapoti. Stars …

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Constellation Orion

constellation Orion

Orion constellation KalaPurusha mandala – Risya, the deer – Varaha, the boar – Apam Napāt (the son of the waters) – Skanda – Kumara – Kartikeya – Vali – Bali – Yara – Ari – Yari (Lord of the wild boar) – Nin Gir Su (Lord of the river bank) – Aquosus -Tam muz – …

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Gemini Constellation

Gemini constellation

Gemini constellation Mithuna mandala – Burj Aj Jawza, constellation of the giant – Mastabba-galgal (the great twins), Tuāme-Rabuti, the twins, Didymoi, Geminorium – Az Zawg, the pair – Dioscuroi Alpha – Castor – Soma Beta – Pollux – Poludeukos – Dhishnu Gamma – Almeisan – Alhena – shining, the mark Delta – Wasat – Middle …

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