

Firetheater originally began in Bombay 2010, with several fire dancers coming together with a host of creatives. 

What culminated was a reoccurring ensembles of different performance art forms with fire dancing. The insight and perspectives from these soulful encounters treasures from and for,  a lifetime’s keeping. 

In so, the bridge of perspective is eternal, and the plethora of the artistic compatibility the repertoire of the performer. 

The coming together around fire the inherent creativity of soul on display. 

With live music genres like opera, funk, classical, carnatic and spoken, and ensemble dance forms of fire-dancing, break dance, kalaripayatu, Indian classical, capoeira and Hawaiian to name a few.  Over the years, the discipline of fire has included fire-walks, performances, workshop and esoteric initiations in its depths. 

A coat of quotes and passing poetry

"The human condition when understood has facets understood as soul, the distinctly unique path to every that is human. Only weakness when you’re not stepping in grace to pace.It is like the bounce in your step and the readiness to smile. In other words, a heartbeat.And you can feel your heartbeat anywhere if your body is the universe, as is the divinity implied."
