A gentle whisper, that maketh wonder as if wonder was just so effortlessly made.
Veering itself to memory, like fragrance and thought with heart to its sleeve.
Mere words to address, as if to review the milieu just to sense the seams.
Endured is the cursory curve that renders the poetic to inspiration, lightening the rituals the delighted deem in their stride.
Meaning toys with rationality in an evening out in dusty undertones, the lungs spread like wings that span the bandwidth forthwith. The wind chuckles cheeky in misty perfumed blinks of reflection.
An authentic reflection, of the sentient.
One intoned, remastered into confluence.
The subjective gravity, and the objective electricity.
The conduits charge, mechanised in fabric sewn on the other side.
Heightened attention in the breadth of levitated diffusal.
Relieved deliverance, as if reliving from memory in mettle to liberate any mental stirs.
Grounded of its density in destiny’s musing curve, articulated for palatial inseams for a resounding endeavour.
Intention catches up, misty eyed welcomes in similes and smiles, the astral beckons to spectrum.
In a weave of breath, heaving the heaven’s to glow, imparting the sky to its peculiar, endearing its particulars to the language of its familiar.
The intuitive, in turn offers melodies in hums.
With the verb in its verve, time adorns the vision. As the age its axiom.
Gods of language hover like songbirds of chance.
“I have been here before.” For ever the wind to speak, whiskers as wisps whispering in intuitive entreat.