Canis Minor constellation
Suni mandala – The lesser dog – Kalb al Mutakāddim – Kuon – Shira al Ghumus – The Warner – Antecanis, the little dog.
Alpha – Procyn – Sarama – Palura – Pallika (crossing of the water-dog) – Keleb Maim (dog of the waters) – Maira, the sparkler.
Beta – Gomeisa (the bleary eyed) – Pratyusha.
Stars at Zodiac Sidereal Degree
28°20’ Gemini
– Beta Canis Minor. Pratyumana, one of Vishnu’s or Krishna’s avatars in the Indian pantheon. Gomeisa means bleary eyed one.
29°32’ Gemini
– Delta Canis Minor. The weight. One of the Oath stars, the Muhlifain, or the stars sworn by.
1°56’ Cancer
– Beta Canis Minor. – Sarama, the heavenly messenger hound and mother of dogs in the Indian pantheon.
5°41’ Cancer
– Eta Canis Minor. Maidenhood. Virginity flower. Also makes part of the hunting horn. (Irony Maiden).
Unicorn constellation
Eka-Srimgi mandala – Monoceros.
Chameleon constellation
Krikalāsa mandala.
Volans constellation
Patatri Mina mandala – Volantis, the flying fish.
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
"A hymn to Agni (Fire):
Pratnosi kam idyo advaresu Sanat na hota navya ça satsi. Svam ça Agne tanavam piprayasva, Asmubhyam ça saubhagya ayajasva ||
Calling upon, lauding, even devoting when the very path through the skies is filled in its creative bounty and sentient offering. Agni, the divine priest, the tongue that talks to the gods, the messenger that has offered its audience for the ancient and contemporary alike, no matter when the soul, the constant in every lifetime. The fire inside of me, embers inside of my body like divine horses, drink of the consciousness in the vassal and vessel as the fire that I am. Grant in my being and experience, the fortune, illumination and unlimitedness of living the blessed life."
An Agni mantra. (Sanskrit) | Translation