

A constellation of emotion.  Drawing on memories’ insular portents.  Sequestered portions of insight amble into ambit.  A porpoise-full consideration slowly rolls over to reposition.  The shell of the soul cracked like the muscle-memory of a chiropractor reaching a book on the shelf.  Tufts of hair tilt over like a crowning moment to remembrance’s endear.  A …

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Dervish – the broken crown. – Star poetry


Process Until Whole Beyond these dwellings of existence, and its heavenly predictions. Past chasms & phantasms, and the harbingering of evolutionary sanity.  Unbeknownst I sought, in that I should seek.  Verily the brink of parallel peaks of admonitions & admissions oblique.  What if they meet in me, Forsooth, I bypassed the etch in H un-annunciated. …

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Betwixt elation in station of constellation

Betwixt because It is the Zodiac that represents the stars in our inner sky.  In each part of us… extended to its links.  But then the zodiac constellation themselves, holding as if in tether in its 30 steps to a degree.  That thin line we take to cut a path through the sky.  The tantra …

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