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Welcome page - Tarot readings
In the tarot, a page belongs to an element. In this case, the element would be spirit. And as a place for tarot readings, a receptacle of spirit it is.
And the water-bearer I am, I continually pour.
For now, there are no ads, and the readings are all free. If you’d like personal reads, please contact soot@fullcirclesquared.com and you can book a time slot with me.
Whilst this is a work-in-progress, the readings may not all yet be complete, and changes to them can be expected should you regularly choose to find insight here. For now, there are 4 tarot decks in use, Osho, Pythagoras, Crowley and Nostradamus. Apart from that there are rune reads using Rune-cards and a plain and simple unreversed Rune read.
Lots more readings will appear soon. If you would like a real-person tarot read, you can get in touch with me at Janit@fullcirclesquared.com
For now, the readings are a little detailed and elaborate. The next few weeks will see edited and formatted versions in the texts.
Have a wonderful day, and happy insight!
The blog is regularly updated. For latest –
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
"It is a conversation with the Universe, consciousness.Where every cause and concern is shared with existence, in every moment & atom to have ever existed.To what you can comprehend & when, all relevance & insight moves in rend.That, is what is perceived as an unlimited state. The same state of being, every genius, saint or mystic cries about in their fervour. It is the over-stated grace that blends inspiration & aspiration.However long it lasts. In states of meditation, the importance of maintaining inner silence is directly opposed to the artist’s approach of creating when inspired."