Suffering or Satisfied?
– The starting choice.
There is a technique for sound healing, that with the mouth in the shape of a smile, you pronounce and elongate the S sound, almost like hissing, while pushing out breath & sound. Loudly. Breath in. Repeat. And pause and take a regular deep breath after 6-8 repetitions of this sound. That would be the “sssss” sound.
This releases pent up energy from the lungs. And in its process cools the body down and calms of the mind & senses. It is a taoist technique in origin and very effective.
There is a type of Pranayama (Ancient breath meditation) called Sitali Pranayama which is especially good for cooling the physical body down in an instant. If external or internal temperature are running high, it immediately provides a cooling effect.
With the mouth open but the teeth/jaw closed, breathe in making the sss sound. Naturally pulling breath will naturally create that sound, and odd as it may sound, breathe as deep as is comfortable. Breathe out through the nose. Repeat upto 6-7 times.
(Always breathe out through the nose, is common energy-efficient practice)
These are all intense practices, best done indoors, alone and in meditative states.
Estate of Self
How can one lose a blessing?
Yet like skills lost to time, inner faith, optimism and so many lapses in cognition, we wander forgetful and unaware that there even existed life before this one.
Like words lost to meaning, our sense of selves lost to the sound of our names.
The wise would say this is a good time to call to source. The wizened would add that even that isn’t as easy anymore, every third shop plying goods to better that journey.
Was it ever easy? – The self questioning the soul about its familiarity of wandered journeys to validation.
The fork in the road asks if vindication instead would be preferred.
Every shop is a fork in the road for a trudging internal journey.
A journey to detachment, nay – a journey in detachment. How many would call that life?
How many times in that soul’s journey has that been?
And so a subjective question, what is the source to self?
Validate your sadness for skill or strength – That should be a sign at the cosmic candy shop.
This is too much weight for the mind. Seat the mind.
Thats the only way to find out who you really are.
That’s about as vague as a soul’s affirmation in a statement as it gets.
With every cell in the fibre of being then competing in the influence of knowing the earth from its very inception.
In some way or the other.
Every scattered cell come together to make a being and then that many being put together in rumination.
There is a point of recognition for the self.
Perhaps in its wilding way, it is indeed underway matching a matter in change. And thus the process of change in matter.
But indeed the mind is seated. In a state of understanding.
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
Quote # 18