

A constellation of emotion.  Drawing on memories’ insular portents.  Sequestered portions of insight amble into ambit.  A porpoise-full consideration slowly rolls over to reposition.  The shell of the soul cracked like the muscle-memory of a chiropractor reaching a book on the shelf.  Tufts of hair tilt over like a crowning moment to remembrance’s endear.  A …

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Dervish – the broken crown. – Star poetry


Process Until Whole Beyond these dwellings of existence, and its heavenly predictions. Past chasms & phantasms, and the harbingering of evolutionary sanity.  Unbeknownst I sought, in that I should seek.  Verily the brink of parallel peaks of admonitions & admissions oblique.  What if they meet in me, Forsooth, I bypassed the etch in H un-annunciated. …

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Pisces the constellation Mina mandala – Burj al Hūt – Pisces Gemeli – Pisces Occidentalis – of the fish. Alpha – Nodus (the knot) – Al Rescha – Risha – rope/cord – El Rishad – Katain – Khitain (Dual) – the two threads – Okda – Ukdat. Beta – Fum al Samakah – fish’s mouth. …

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Cassiopiea Andromeda

Cassiopeia constellation Kāsyapiya mandala – shaped like a W. Lady in a chair. Alpha – Schedar – Shedir (breast) – Sadar. Beta – Caph, palm (reaching from Pleiades) – Suniti – Kaf. Gamma – Tsih – Cih (whip). Delta – Rukbah (knee). Epsilon – Navi – Ivan. Eta – Achird. Star degree to Sidereal Zodiac …

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fortunate star

Aquarius Aquarius constellation –  Kumbha mandala – the water carrier – Burj Ad Dalu – Hudrochoos – water pourer. Alpha – Sadal Melik (Fortunate star of the king). Beta – Sadal Suud – Saidalmasud (Fortunate star of fortune). Gamma – Skat – Scheat – Sak – Sakib – shin/leg/to pour. Epsilon – Ancha (hip-bone) – …

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Cepheus & Pegasus

Cepheus – The Constellation Sephāli mandala – King – Hyk – Capuja. Alpha – Alderamin. Beta – Alfirk (flock). Gamma – Er Rai (shephard). Xi – Kurhah – blaze – horse’s brow. Mu – Garnet star. Stars at Sidereal Zodiac Degree Erakis 15°51’ Pisces – Mu Cepheus. The Garnet Star. Cepheus is the king.  Alderamin …

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Capricorn & nearby constellations


Capricorn constellation Capricorn – Makara mandala – Burj al Jidi – constellation of the goat – Aigocëros. Alpha – Al Geidi (the goat) – Makarāsura. Beta – Dabih – Dzabih, the slaughterer. Gamma – Nashira (bearer of good news). Delta – Deneb Algiedi, tail of the goat. Other Asterisms in Capricorn El Sadeldsabih – Lucky …

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Delphinus, Cygnus constellation & Others


Cygnus constellation Hamsa mandala – The Swan – Galina – Hen – Ales Jovis – Bird of Jupiter – Milvus Ictin – the kite – Ornis – Kuknos. Cygnus, the swan’s constellation. Alpha – Puccha tara – Deneb Adiga, the tail piece or follower – Arided. Beta – Albireo – Ireus – Albiero. Gamma – …

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Sagittarius constellation Dhanus mandala – Burj al Kaws – Toxotes – Archer and the bow. Sagittarius. Beta – Lanka. Gamma – Tulasi. Epilson – Kaus Australis, the southern bow. The milk dipper. Asterisms in Sagittarius Purva Ashada nakshatra, the 20th. 4 stars that look like a bed stead. Made up of Alpha, Gamma, Epsilon and …

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Lyra constellation, Draco and Opiuchus

ursa minor

Draco Takshaka mandala – Nachaāch – Dragon – Tānnum, the serpent. Draco the constellation. Alpha – Thuban (snake) – Uttanapada – the dragon – Adib, the wolf/jackal. Beta – Rastaban, the head of the dragon – Al Waid, she camel – Alawid, the lute player. Gamma – Eltanin – Sparsamani. Delta – Altais – Nodus …

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Scorpio constellation Vrischika mandala – Burj al Akrab – Scorpion – Nepa. Scorpio. Alpha – Antares – Rohini-tara – Anti – Areus – Hakrab – Angaraka – Mangala – Virabhadra – Virochana. Beta – Graffias – Acrab (claws) – Syam – Ikhil, the crown. Delta – Dschubba (forehead). Theta – Sargas (seizer). Zeta – Sabal. …

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Constellation Hercules Harikulesa mandala – Engonasin – Ingeniculus – Nisus/Nixus – Al Jatha, the kneeler. Forms 3 lotuses. Hercules the constellation. Alpha – Ras Algethi (head of the kneeling one). Beta – Kornephoros (club-bearer) – Rutilicus, little spade. Delta – Sarin. Kappa – Maasim (wrist). Xi – Marfik. Omega – Cujam (club). Stars at Sidereal …

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