Cepheus - The Constellation
Sephāli mandala – King – Hyk – Capuja.
Alpha – Alderamin.
Beta – Alfirk (flock).
Gamma – Er Rai (shephard).
Xi – Kurhah – blaze – horse’s brow.
Mu – Garnet star.
Stars at Sidereal Zodiac Degree
15°51’ Pisces
– Mu Cepheus. The Garnet Star. Cepheus is the king.
18°55’ Pisces
– Alpha Cepheus. Means the right arm, as in king at the right arm of god. Cepheus the king, this star is the brightest of the constellation in the shoulder.
0°22 Aries
– Xi Cepheus – “The blaze” on a horse’s brow.
11°42’ Aries
– Beta Cepheus – The flock. Ficares. Fakir.
6°14’ Taurus
– Gamma Cepheus – Errai. The Shephard’s array.
Lacerta constellation
Godhā mandala – the lizard.
Pegasus the Constellation
Pakshirājasya mandala – Pegasi – Equus – Feras al Thani – second (winged) horse.
Alpha – Markab (saddle).
Beta – Scheat – Sak (front leg).
Gamma – Algenib (flank) – Al Jannah (wing).
Epsilon – Enif (nose) – Enir.
Zeta – Homam (high-minded) – Homān – Oman – hero.
Eta – Matar (rain).
Theta – Baham (livestock).
Mu – Sadalbari (lucky star of the excellent one).
Also, Azalfafge, the hoof of the horse is in Cygnus, and Alpheratz, the belly of the horse is in Andromeda.
Other Asterisms in Pegasus
Nakshatra Purva-Bhādrapada or Prausthapada. The 25th nakshatra, 2 stars that look like a bell. Beta and Theta Pegasi. Deity – Aja Ekapād.
Nakshatra Uttara-Bhādrapada. The 26th nakshatra, also 2 stars that look like a bell. The stars are Delta Pegasus and a common star of two constellations Sirrah (Alpha Andromeda). Deity Ahi-budhnaya.
El Farg El Mukdīm – The joy preceding. Alpha and Beta of Pegasus. The 26th Arabic moon station of the stars.
El Farg Mukhar – The joy succeeding. Gamma Pegasus and Alpha Andromeda. The 27th Arabic star mansion.
8°01’ Aquarius
– Epsilon Pegasus. Nose, mouth, or lip. Of the horse. Straight from the horse’s mouth, lead the horse by the nose, or the gift horse’s mouth.
12°58’ Aquarius
– Theta Pegasus. Means livestock, or young animals. On the head of Pegasus. Pegasus syndrome, to rise above difficulty in answer to calling. Versus being taken down a peg.
22°17’ Aquarius
– Zeta Pegasus. The lucky star of the Hero. The horse-whisperer. Fortunate star of the high minded man. In the neck of Pegasus.
29°11’ Aquarius
– Mu Pegasus – The lucky star of excellent one. Fortunate star of the exalted one.
29°37’ Aquarius
– Alpha Pegasus – The saddle. Although the star is at the shoulder. One of the stars of Great Square of Aquarius. Associated with One legged giant god, Aja Ekapada.
1°Pi51’ Pisces
Eta Pegasus. The Fortunate Rain. Or the lucky star of the rain. Bear in mind the Pegasus syndrone, exemplified of the martyr.
5°30’ Pisces
– Beta Pegasus. – He that goes forth and returns. Part of the Great Square of Pegasus. Uttara Bhadrapa Nakshatra of the happy feet. Star in the shoulder of Pegasus.
7°11’ Pisces
– Tau Pegasus. Under the wing. Along with Nu, also called Al Sad Al Na’amah, or Al Naim, the crossbar over the well of water. Pegasus is often associated with drowning despite fortunate creative portents.
15°17’ Pisces
– Gamma Pegasus. Janab, means side. On the wing of Pegasus, also part of Pegasus grand square making the Bhadrapa constellations.
20°27’ Pisces
– Alpha Andromeda. Sirrah. Pratishtā tārā, the star of prestige In the forehead of Andromeda, the maiden chained, and the belly of Pegasus, the flying horse. One one of 2 stars in 2 constellations simultaneously. The spout of water. Grand square of Pegasus.
4°25’ Pisces
– Pi Cygnus. In both Cygnus and Pegasus (of only 2 stars in recognised constellations). This is the horse’s hoof. In the wing in the Swan. Also means to track. Separately it also stands for a little tortoise.
Equuleus constellation
Asvatara mandala – the little horse.
Alpha – Kitalpha, part of the horse.
29°15’ Pisces
– Alpha Equuleus. The little horse. Colt, the son of Pegasus. Also the centaur Cyllarus. This star is associated with kelling, or setting into swift motion which is referred to the horse-speed of acceleration. Another name for colt is Celeris.
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
Thou art hidden from us, though the heavens are filled With Thy Light, which is brighter than sun and moon !
Thou art hidden, yet revealest our hidden secrets !
Thou art the Source that causes our rivers to flow.
Thou art hidden in Thy essence, but seen by Thy bounties.
Thou art like the water, and we like the mill- stone.
Thou art like the wind, and we like the dust ; The wind is unseen, but the dust is seen by all. Thou art the Spring, and we the sweet green garden ;
Spring is not seen, though its gifts are seen. Thou art as the Soul, we as hand and foot ; Soul instructs hand and foot to hold and take.
Thou art as Reason, we like the tongue ; 'Tis reason that teaches the tongue to speak.
Thou art as Joy, and we are laughing ;
The laughter is the consequence of the joy.
Our every motion every moment testifies.
For it proves the presence of the Everlasting God.
"Everlasting God | Rumi