Capricorn constellation
Capricorn – Makara mandala – Burj al Jidi – constellation of the goat – Aigocëros.
Alpha – Al Geidi (the goat) – Makarāsura.
Beta – Dabih – Dzabih, the slaughterer.
Gamma – Nashira (bearer of good news).
Delta – Deneb Algiedi, tail of the goat.
Other Asterisms in Capricorn
El Sadeldsabih – Lucky star of the slough. Alpha and Beta of Capricorn. The 22nd Arabic star mansion.
Stars at Sidereal Zodiac Degree
Giedi Prima
9°54’ Capricorn
– Alpha 1 Capricorn – The goat. Part of Arabic mansion Sa’ad al Dhabih, lucky star of the sacrifice. Also Makarāsura in the Indian pantheon.
Giedi Secunda
9°59’ Capricorn
– Alpha 2 Capricorn – The goat. Part of Sa’ad al Dhabih, lucky star of the sacrifice.
10°11’ Capricorn
Beta Capricron. Goat. The Slaughterer, or the sacrifice.
10°34’ Capricorn
– Nu Capricorn. The middle star in the horn of the goat. Although the name means ‘sheep’.
10°51’ Capricorn
– Pi Capricorn. The eye. Star in the right eye of the goat.
11°18’ Capricorn
– Rho Capricorn. The Cow, or the ox. Star in the face of the goat. Associated with wheel of fortune (tarot).
18°52’ Capricorn
– Eta Capricorn. – The heart of the goat.
19°58’ Capricorn
– Theta Capricorn. – Means back. A star in the back of the goat.
26°20’ Capricorn
– Epsilon Capricorn. Fortress or military camp.
27°55 Capricorn
– Gamma Capricorn. The bringer of good tidings. Also part of a smaller set asterism of the ‘Two Friends’. The fortune one that brings good news. In the tail of Capricorn, also associated with Oanness, Lord of the Sacred Eye, and the sea-goat.
Deneb Algedi
29°40’ Capricorn
– Delta Capricornus. Judicial point of the goat. Star in Sea-goat’s tail. Part of Al Muhanaim, “The Two Friends”. It is supposed to a “moral point of discretion for those foreign to the nomad sky”, in reference to the Sea goat’s tail.
Microscopium constellation
Anuvikshana mandala.
Indus constellation
Sindhu mandala.
Pavo constellation
Mayura mandala. The peacock. The reduplication of the Ursa Major made in Southern Hemisphere by Sage Vishvamitra.
Alpha – Pav.
29°57’ Sagittarius
– Alpha Pavo. In the starry tail of the Peacock. An epitaph of Krishna, and stellar reduplication of the Great Bear. Sikhandi or Mayura Tunda in the Indian pantheon. Prophet like qualities but given to vanity.
Octans constellation
Ashtāmsa mandala.
Beta – Yāmya-Dhruva.
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
"And as the seed waits eagerly watching for its flower and fruit.
Anxious its little soul looks out into the clear expanse
To see if hungry winds are abroad with their invisible array ;
So Man looks out in tree, and herb, and fish, and bird, and beast.
Collecting up the scattered portions of his immortal body.
Into the elemental forms of everything that grows.
He tries the sullen North wind, riding on its angry furrows,
The sultry South when the sun rises, and the angry East,
When the sun sets, and the clods harden, and the cattle stand,
Drooping, and the birds hide in their silent nests.
He stores his thoughts.
As in store-houses in his memory. He regulates the forms.
Of all beneath and all above, and in the gentle West Reposes where the sun's heat dwells.
He rises to the sun,
And to the planets of the night, and to the stars that gild.
The zodiacs, and the stars that sullen stand to North and South,
He touches the remotest pole, and in the centre weeps That Man should labour and sorrow, and learn and forget, and return.
To the dark valley whence he came, and begin his
labours anew."
"Artwork and Poetry | William Blake