Bridge of breath

4. When the breath is all out (Up), and stopped of itself. Or all in (Down) and stopped, in that universal pause, one’s small self vanishes. This is difficult only for the impure. Kumbhitā recitā vāpi pūrita vā yadā bhavet | Tadante sāntanāmāsau śaktyā śantaḥ prakāśate || Retention of breath, or the extension of gap …

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Bridge of the means – the middle path

3. Whenever In-breath and Out-breath fuse, at that instant – The energy-less, the energy-filled center. Na vrajenna viśeçchaktir marudrūpā vikāsite | Nirvikalpatayā madhye tayā bhairvarūpatā || The inner column of energy, the Sushumna nadi/stream. No energy enters, none exits, when of the pathway of Maruts grace stands illuminated. In that middle path is the means …

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Bridge of the eternal

2. As the breath turns from down to up, and again as breath curves from up to down – through both these turns, realize. Maruto’ antarbahirvāpi viyadyugmānuvartanāt | bhairavyā bhairavasyetthaṁ, Bhairavi vyajyate vapuḥ || The Maruts are the pathways between the ethers(voids). In the pause at end the exhalation and inhalation, before the moment restarts. …

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Bridge of the universe

1. Radiant one, this experience may dawn between two breaths. After breath comes in(down), just before turning up (out) — the beneficence. Ürdhve prāṇo hyadho jīvo, visargātmā paroccaret | Utpattidvitayasthāne, bharaṇādbharītā sthitiḥ || Upwards the divine essence(prano) downwards inflows of being, the soul of the juncture supremely as per the higher pervading process. Embark begins at …

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