

– Words from Adonis, the Syrian poet (born Ali Ahmad Said Esber).  “So that your body moves wisely so that I move with it  with what is above it below it. and in between  so that I surround you and break any barrier that separates you from me. I read the book of your priests  …

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Crystal Spears

Ring out ye Crystal spears, Once bless our human ears,  (If ye have power to touch our senses so)  And let your silver chime Move in melodious time;  And let the Base of Heav’ns deep Organ blow,  And with your ninefold harmony. Make up full consort to th’ Angelike symphony.  For if such holy Song …

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Good after moon’s reflection

Outer tread or inner reform. The question ponders night and morn’.  The winds that take,  Insight of an answer’s make. Upon day, repose, envision’s way.  Evening odds, nods an ode to ferry sway.  Good after moon’s reflection.  Inflections convey.



In surrender, earnest and true, lie the aspirations and overtures to virtue. All at once begun, woven and wondered into the collective of silence’s hum. The residue reaches towards.  All-encompassing and harmonising like gentle heart-strums.  Imbued to burn and glow, like attributes and their afterthoughts in follow.  Honed to adjudge focus’ curve and steer forward.  …

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Ambassador of Bliss

This soaring, sacred thirst, Ambassador of bliss, approached first.  Making a place in me That made me apt to prize, and taste, and see. For not the objects, but the sense Of things doth bliss to Souls dispense,  And make it, Lord, like Thee. Sense, feeling, taste, complacency, and sight,  These are the true and real …

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Water Lillies

“Green grows the laurel on the bank. Dark waves the pine upon the hill. Green hangs the lichen, cold and dank. Dark springs the heart-ease by the rill, Age-mosses clamber ever bright. Pale is the water-lily’s bloom
. Thus Life still courts the shades of night, And beauty hovers o’er the tomb and loom.” – Unknown.

Vernal morning

“O! hast thou seen a vernal Morning bright. 
 Gem every bank and trembling leaf with dews, Tinging the green fields with her amber hues, Changing the leaden streams to lines of light? Then seen dull Clouds, that shed untimely night, Roll envious on, and every ray suffuse, Till the chill’d Scenes their early beauty …

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Ace of fire – Dali. Potential

Dali and the ace of fire. The ace of fire is vitality, the ace of wands is purity. The first elemental suit of the tarot is fire and the wands. The ace is root. It reflects the source of your inner fire. That is the potential. In you, and the potentiality represented to this as …

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Tyger Tyger

“Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies. Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare seize the fire? And what shoulder, & what art, Could twist the sinews …

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Banner of heaven

‘gagan math gaib nisân gade’  – Kabir. – ‘The Hidden Banner is planted in the temple of the sky; there the blue canopy decked with the moon and set with bright jewels is spread. There the light of the sun and the moon is shining: still your mind to silence before that splendour. Kabîr says: …

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Beyond the place of action in its predictable causes, over the awnings of lofty judgemental pauses. Conserved of the senses until met upon reverential swoon, undeterred to inner light, the sheen un-jaded to childlike and sacred moody interludes. Redeemed to be viewed, like dusty letters in the keep of time discovered in a vintage assemble …

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In this illimitable world, knowledge in the wonder that is known. Holding up as it were, a mirror of consciousness. The reflection to appear, the beauteous bear. The in-between and unbeknownst, another’s view of perception. Hallows a smile of acceptance, to wear and revere.   (Art an original sketch of Saint John the Baptist by …

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Winged Life

He who bends to himself a joy, Does the winged life destroy ; But he who kisses the joy as it flies. Lives in eternity’s sunrise. If you trap the moment before it’s ripe, The tears of repentance you’ll certainly wipe ; But, if once you let the ripe moment go. You can never wipe …

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