
Osho on Death

Osho on Death   “There is nothing to be worried about. You will disappear like a snowflake in pure air. You are not going to die, you are only going to disappear. Yes, you will not be found in the individual form. The form will disappear into the formless – the snowflake into the pure …

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Osho on Sadness

Osho on Sadness   “Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger …

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Osho on Fear

Osho on working with fear, not against it.   “Allow the fear. Tremble with it, let it shake your foundations – and enjoy it as a deep experience of stirring. Donʼt take any attitude about fear. In fact, donʼt call it fear; the moment you have called it fear you have taken an attitude. You …

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Everlasting Thou art hidden from us, though the heavens are filled  With Thy Light, which is brighter than sun and moon ! Thou art hidden, yet revealest our hidden secrets !  Thou art the Source that causes our rivers to flow.  Thou art hidden in Thy essence, but seen by Thy bounties.  Thou art like the …

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Praising Only one who has raised the lyre  Praising, that’s it! As one ordered to praise he emerged like the ore from the silent stone.  His heart, O the transient wine-press, among mankind, of an inexhaustible wine.  When the divine mode grips him, the voice in his mouth never fails. All becomes vineyard, all becomes …

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The Triumph song of Trisanku

The Triumph Song of Trisanku – Constellation Crux I shall not die. Although this body, when the spirit tires  Of its cramped residence, shall feed the fires,  My house consumes, not I.  Leaving that case  I find out ample and ethereal room.  My spirit shall avoid the hungry tomb,  Deceiving death’s embrace.  Night shall contain  …

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Why thus longing

Why thus longing, thus forever sighing  For the far off, unattained, and dim,  While the beautiful, all round thee lying,  Offers up its low perpetual hymn?  Wouldst thou listen to its gentle teaching, All thy restless yearnings it would still; Leaf and flower and laden bee are preaching. Thine own sphere, though humble, first to …

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Vesper Hymn

Now, on sea and land descending,  Brings the night its peace profound: Let our vesper hymn be blending With the holy calm around.  Soon as dies the sunset glory, Stars of heaven shine out above,  Telling still the ancient story— Their Creator’s changeless love.  Now, our wants and burdens leaving To his care who cares …

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Artwork of Minerva from Indian Mughal emperor Akbar’s court, 1590  “Those very groups of gods enter into You ; struck with fear, some extol (You) with joined palms.  Groups of great sages and perfected beings praise You with elaborate hymns, saying ‘May it be!’ O you, who in some pretty boat,  Eager to listen, have been …

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Knock on wood

Knock knock knocking to adore. I’d wrap a rhyme into a song obscured. Singing vision, crooning ever-glow.  Like a breath of fresh air, ascending the shared tapestry of inner-most cores and care.  Intimacy the journey in repair. Words for paradigm mentioned to dimensional fare.  Fair and farther still. Adorable is ringing, outstanding still I await.  …

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From the Bhagavata Gita : “Then, filled with wonder, with hairs standing on end, he, Dhananjaya, (Arjuna), bowing down with his head to the Lord, said with folded hands. Arjuna said: O God, I see in Your body all the gods as also hosts of (various) classes of beings; Brahma the ruler, sitting on a …

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Elemental seed

“And as the seed waits eagerly watching for its flower and fruit. Anxious its little soul looks out into the clear expanse To see if hungry winds are abroad with their invisible array ; So Man looks out in tree, and herb, and fish, and bird, and beast. Collecting up the scattered portions of his …

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Artwork : Self-potrait by Pablo Picasso. “How like an Angel came I down! How bright are all things here!  When first among His works I did appear,  O how their Glory me did crown!  The world resembled his Eternity, In which my soul did walk;  And every thing that I did see Did with me …

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How many bards gild the lapses of time! A few of them have ever been the food  Of my delighted fancy,—I could brood Over their beauties, earthly, or sublime: And often, when I sit me down to rhyme,  These will in throngs before my mind intrude:  But no confusion, no disturbance rude Do they occasion; …

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