Radiant one, this experience may dawn between two breaths. After breath comes in(down), just before turning up (out) — the beneficence.

Ürdhve prāṇo hyadho jīvo, visargātmā paroccaret |
Utpattidvitayasthāne, bharaṇādbharītā sthitiḥ ||
Upwards the divine essence(prano) downwards inflows of being, the soul of the juncture supremely as per the higher pervading process.
Embark begins at two places, fills one up in the entire being, a fullness establishes. The holy juncture of consciousness, visargātma attunes in fullness of self.
Reservoir point of praṇa – third eyebrow(upon the outside).
Heart-set (breath in fulness).
Outer dvadasanta – 6 inches over crown chakra.
Heart to crown outside as praṇa onsets upwards. Sa, the sound inhale.
Dvadasanta downward to heart at exhale/apana. Ha, is sound as exhale.
In between – M is the sound at the third eye.
The visargatmā fused in the ‘haṃsa’, sound at Bindu(third eye seat) helmed at both ends. The soul’s awareness of itself.