Canis Minor constellation
Suni mandala – The lesser dog – Kalb al Mutakāddim – Kuon – Shira al Ghumus – The Warner – Antecanis, the little dog.
Alpha – Procyn – Sarama – Palura – Pallika (crossing of the water-dog) – Keleb Maim (dog of the waters) – Maira, the sparkler.
Beta – Gomeisa (the bleary eyed) – Pratyusha.
Stars at Zodiac Sidereal Degree
28°20’ Gemini
– Beta Canis Minor. Pratyumana, one of Vishnu’s or Krishna’s avatars in the Indian pantheon. Gomeisa means bleary eyed one.
29°32’ Gemini
– Delta Canis Minor. The weight. One of the Oath stars, the Muhlifain, or the stars sworn by.
1°56’ Cancer
– Beta Canis Minor. – Sarama, the heavenly messenger hound and mother of dogs in the Indian pantheon.
5°41’ Cancer
– Eta Canis Minor. Maidenhood. Virginity flower. Also makes part of the hunting horn. (Irony Maiden).
Unicorn constellation
Eka-Srimgi mandala – Monoceros.
Chameleon constellation
Krikalāsa mandala.
Volans constellation
Patatri Mina mandala – Volantis, the flying fish.
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
"It is a conversation with the Universe, consciousness.Where every cause and concern is shared with existence, in every moment & atom to have ever existed.To what you can comprehend & when, all relevance & insight moves in rend.That, is what is perceived as an unlimited state. The same state of being, every genius, saint or mystic cries about in their fervour. It is the over-stated grace that blends inspiration & aspiration.However long it lasts. In states of meditation, the importance of maintaining inner silence is directly opposed to the artist’s approach of creating when inspired."
- Inner Silence
‘Awe’ - sum is you.