Sagittarius constellation
Dhanus mandala – Burj al Kaws – Toxotes – Archer and the bow. Sagittarius.
Beta – Lanka.
Gamma – Tulasi.
Epilson – Kaus Australis, the southern bow. The milk dipper.
Asterisms in Sagittarius
Purva Ashada nakshatra, the 20th. 4 stars that look like a bed stead. Made up of Alpha, Gamma, Epsilon and Zeta Sagittarius. Deity – Apah.
Uttara Ashada nakshatra, 21st nakshatra. Consists of Beta, Delta, Iota and Lambda of Sagittarius. Deity – Visvadevas.
El Na’aim – The herds. 8 stars of Sagittarius. The 20th Arabic star mansion.
El Belda – The district. The starless space in Sagittarius. The 21st Arabic moon station.
Stars at Zodiac Sidereal Degree
7°09’ Sagittarius
– M 8, 18, 20, 21 – Lagoon Nebula Sagittarius. Means dart or small arrow.
7°23’ Sagittarius
– Gamma Sagittarius. Point or arrowhead.
9°21’ Sagittarius
– Nu Sagittarius. Guardian, or watcher (of Ostriches) associated with Istar, the goddess. Also means ‘a foal’.
Kaus Media
10°43’ Sagittarius
– Delta Sagittarius. A double star marking the middle of bow of Sagittarius. Also refers to the Ostriches.
Kaus Australis
11°12’ Sagittarius
– Epsilon Sagittarius. The Southern bow-tip. Also known as the Milk dipper, or the swallow. Refers to the going Ostriches.
Kaus Borealis
12°27’ Sagittarius
– Lambda Sagittarius. Northern bow-tip. Refers to the milk dipper. Also the returning Ostriches. This is where the gods and giants were to share the immortal drink of Soma, which only the gods partook in (from the Indian pantheon).
14°27’ Sagittarius
– M22 Sagittarius. This is the Archer’s face in Sagittarius.
18°31’ Sagittarius
– Sigma Sagittarius. The Voice from the ocean. This was the churning of the oceans in the Indian pantheon. Makes Purva Ashada Nakshatra. Also means holy city. The yoke.
19°46’ Sagittarius
– Zeta Sagittarius. The armpit of the archer. The yoke of the ocean. Returning Ostriches.
21°07’ Sagittarius
– Omicron Sagittarius. – The Handling of the bow of the Archer. Infers both the hand and the act. Also infers first man from the Indian Pantheon, Manu.
Arkab Prior
21°54’ Sagittarius
– Beta 1 Sagittarius. Star in the left foot of the Archer. Also represents small birds.
Arkab Posterior
21°57’ Sagittarius
– Beta 2 Sagittarius. Star in the right foot of the Archer.
22°23’ Sagittarius
– Pi Sagittarius. Star in the head of the Archer. Also makes up the 19th Arabic mansion, the City or the District.
22°46’ Sagittarius
– Alpha Sagittarius. Al Rami, the Archer. Specifically, the knee of the Archer.
1°Cp59’ Capricorn
– Omega Sagittarius. – The back of the horse in the centaur Sagittarius.
Corona Australis constellation
Dakshina Kirita – the southern crown.
Telescopium constellation
Duravikshana mandala.
Ara constellation
Vedi mandala – The altar.
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
Quote # 5