Cancer constellation
Karkata mandala – Burj al Sartan – Nagar Assura – Sertan – Karkinos – Nam Garu – Kulira – The crab – Chin (the hare) – Carcinus. Cancer constellation.
Alpha – Acubens (claw) – Lopasa (the fox) – Lulla – Az-zuben.
Beta – Tarf (eye/glance).
Gamma – Asellus Borealis (northern ass).
Delta – Asellus Australis (southern ass).
Zeta – Kaikeyi – Tegmine (cover).
Other Asterisms inside Cancer.
Tishya made up of Alpha, Delta and Gamma.
Nebula M 44 – Tārā-stavaka – star cluster called Madhu-chakra.
Pushya Nakshatra, previously called Tishya – Kakkab Gu-sir-kes-da (asterism of the yoke and the enclosure) – Mastabba Tur-tur (little twins) – the bow star. The 8th nakshatra asterism. Deity – Brihaspati or Jupiter. In the shape of an arrow.
The two stars Rāsabhau – the twin asses – Onoi – Asseli. The stars Gamma and Delta of Cancer.
Mātrikā Madhu chakra – Ratha (the car/chariot) – Phatne, the Manger – Praesepe – The bee hive – Dasratha – Mantharā. Several stars like a full moon.
El Nethra – the noted above star cluster – The crib/Manger/Praesepe. The M44 Nebula star cluster, the 8th Arabic star mansion.
Fixed Stars at Sidereal Zodiac Degree
Al Tarf
10°24’ Cancer
– Beta Cancer – The glance of the lion. The eye. The end of the hind foot of cancer.
13°21’ Cancer
– Epsilon M44 Cancer – Celestial honeycomb. Matrika Madhu Chakra or Ratha in the Indian Pantheon. Nakshatra Pushya.
Asellus Boreali
13°41’ Cancer
– Gamma Cancer. The northern ass. Part of the heavenly yoke, or the Manger, the gate of man. The Rasabau of Indian pantheon.
Asellus Australis
14°52’ Cancer
– Delta Cancer. The southern ass. Part of heavenly yoke, or called cloud in the Arabic stars. Called Sidha, or enlightened one in the Indian pantheon. The Rasabhau.
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
There is an inertia to love, there syllables slip and meaning flits. Where the heights of one exist in the depths of the other. Like some parts of one have to see the eyes of the other.
Sheer want of affection cannot scratch that surface. Just as token existence outside of posterity cannot derive outside of its tether. So when do ideas and form meld, just as eternity catches up the ages to contemplation’s slight tilt of the head. The inner fire always deigns to speak, when the wind comes calling.
What in event bears the signature of the universe, rearing to get your attention? The motif to outshine the conscious motive.
But a state of inertia is no fit place for a discourse. So this course turns, like a tightened corset tug, kneading the reins to re-enter the boundless night.
Proof of love is in the other. It calls for no other ensign.
But for a lover, that is never enough. And identity toils, and form reappears to make its foil. Syllables catch their caches of words and attributes identify their adjectifying constitutes. Grammar makes itself out to call time.
The tertiary makes inertia. And its measure not without its trial. Attestation to bridge the subjective, and requite to meet its respite.
Parables compete with aphorisms and silence extends to after thought.
Laughter is sought, giggles a universal type-set to calm home, the feeling hones to recognise its marker, like a horse with no name, sure-footed yet to a mystic muse. Until enthuse articulates enough felt to call the same.
Travails of consciousness shadow ancient histories like a mystery in aim.
Like every other, hears a pond of empathetic acclaim. Despite and unlike any.
Consciousness, love and the Fool.
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