Inner Silence

It is a conversation with the Universe, consciousness. Where every cause and concern is shared with existence, in every moment & atom to have ever existed. To what you can comprehend & when, all relevance & insight moves in rend. That, is what is perceived as an unlimited state. The same state of being, every …

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Everything and everyone has a distinguishing quality. That one trait above all others. The attribute which allows them to be instantly found to trait. For consciousness is always of a dual-nature, between the perceived and perceiver, rendering subject and object. ‘That-ness’ and the self. And like storing the heightened memory of a reality, an awareness …

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Wisdom, from borrowed Knowledge

THERE are two allied powers in man: Knowledge and Wisdom. Knowledge is so much of the truth, seen in a distorted medium, that the mind arrives at by groping. Wisdom what the eye of divine vision sees in the spirit. And Inspiration is a slender river of brightness leaping from a vast and eternal knowledge; …

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Osho on Death

Osho on Death   “There is nothing to be worried about. You will disappear like a snowflake in pure air. You are not going to die, you are only going to disappear. Yes, you will not be found in the individual form. The form will disappear into the formless – the snowflake into the pure …

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Osho on Sadness

Osho on Sadness   “Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger …

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Osho on Fear

Osho on working with fear, not against it.   “Allow the fear. Tremble with it, let it shake your foundations – and enjoy it as a deep experience of stirring. Donʼt take any attitude about fear. In fact, donʼt call it fear; the moment you have called it fear you have taken an attitude. You …

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An Agni Mantra

A hymn to Agni (Fire):    Pratnosi kam idyo advaresu Sanat na hota navya ça satsi. Svam ça Agne tanavam piprayasva, Asmubhyam ça saubhagya ayajasva ||   Calling upon, lauding, even devoting when the very path through the skies is filled in its creative bounty and sentient offering.   Agni, the divine priest, the tongue …

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Surya Gayatri

Surya Gayatri – The hymn. (Rudra) Om haam tanmeshaye vidyamahe, vagvishuddhaye dheemahi, tanno Rudro prachodayat. Suryapustakanakam kritva Suryamantreh prapoojayat. Om haam heem hoom haim haum ham Shivasuryaye namah. Om ham Khakholkhaye Suryamurtaye namah. Om hraam hreem sarva Suryayi namah || Om salutations of being from body and spirit, to knowledge and sentience, purified and evolved …

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