
Aries -The Sign of the Zodiac

Aries the zodiac sun sign and constellation

Today’s Horoscope

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About the Aries

The sheep sleep until the warrior emerges

Aries, the first sparkling zodiac of the night sky.

A sign of courage and determination, the Aries is a symbol of strength and power. The fire that is often seen, an individual, passionate and driven.

No one can deny the energy and ambition of an Aries. They are the ones that take charge, who heed the charge and lead the way. They are blessed with an abundance of will and determination.

This is a sign that is known for its courage and resilience. Facing life’s challenges and obstacles head on, they’re never one to back down. Unafraid to take risks and explore the unknown, Aries is a sign of adventure.

Theirs is a sign of strength and independence, a sign that encourages you to reach for the stars, regardless of yours odds.

The Aries tends to admire leadership and ambition, and they are individuals with a strong drive, always looking for ways to better themselves to reach their goals.

Passionate and determined. They are relentless in their pursuits, success or otherwise. Seldom afraid to take risks and explore the unknown.

Theirs as aspiration is the inspiration to all and a reminder to never give up.

A coat of quotes and passing poetry

"PraisingPraisingOnly one who has raised the lyre Praising, that’s it! As one ordered to praisehe emerged like the ore from the silent stone. 

His heart, O the transient wine-press, among mankind, of an inexhaustible wine. 

When the divine mode grips him, the voice in his mouth never fails.

All becomes vineyard, all becomes grape, grown riper in his feeling’s south. 

Neither the must in the tombs of the kings nor from the gods that a shadow falls, detracts at all from his praising. 

He’s a messenger, who always remains, still holding far through the doors of the dead a dish with fruit they can praise. 

Only one who has raised the lyre already, among the shades, may sense how to return the unending praise. 

Only one who, with the dead, ate of the poppy, theirs, from them, will not lose the slightest note ever again. 

Wish even the image in the pond that blurs for us, often: know the reflection. 

Only within the double sphere will the voices become kind, and eternal. 


Praising | Rainer Marie Rilke

The time has come to turn your heart into a temple of fire.- Rumi