Asvini Nakshatra. Nakshatras are star asterisms or Moon stations used in Astrology to track the Moon’s journey across the sky and the horoscope.
The first Lunar star asterism is Asvins, the horse healer gods. Asvini the star represents the consort of the twin healer horse-gods(also traditionally known as Usha, the goddess of autonomous self-endowed energy).
The Asvins are among the first gods, and are the only nakshatras to be mentioned (infact frequently lauded) in the Rig Vedas. In so they also contain in their respective beneficent treatises the duality of black and white, and both their healing forms (twin-horses representing eyes for duality).
Although in ancient times, this was the 26th in order, for us however Asvins open the Lunar mansions as the first asterism in the constellation Aries. The original greek name of Aswini is Kakkab gamma, and in the Arabic system is known as Al-Sheraton. The constellation looks like a Horse Head.
Astrologically, Aswini is ruled by Ketu, the Lunar South Node (or tail of the dragon’s tail in planetary system). This would be significant for anyone that makes further studies of astrological aphorisms embedded the Nakshatras.
“aśvinoraśvayujau grāmaḥ parastāt senā’ avastāt.”
– Taitteya Brahmana.
‘Through the Asvin’s path flow the celestials winds with their secrets and splendour of works, its place among the stars for that which is beyond, and its healing armies of remedies to hallow the lands below.’
P.s… Extra information. The Asvins are also invoked in one of the stages of the fire(during meditation and ritual) to open a pathway to the soul through the sky. In the 12 cycles of fires, they represent the Eight, offering healing beneficence invoked as sound. The horse is a very interesting animal to study for occult significance.
Asvini Nakshatra

Ashwini, the first Nakshatra in the zodiac, is ruled by Ketu and signifies commencement. The constellation is identified by a pair of luminous stars in Aries, symbolizing the head of a horse and reflecting the idea of starting a journey.
Ashwini is often translated as ‘Born of a Female Horse’ or ‘Horse Lady’, while an alternative interpretation refers to it as Asvayuj, meaning ‘she who yokes horses’
Native Moon under Asvini
Horses are widely known as a symbol of power, strength, courage, and vitality, while the head of the horse denotes swift action. In Ashwini, spontaneity is the defining characteristic, which distinguishes it from other Nakshatras. The natives of this star possess a straightforward and no-nonsense approach to their dealings, which is marked by vitality and initiative.
The core principle of Ashwini is concerned with rapidity and pace, which requires a concise and direct approach to achieve. Those born under Ashwini do not waste time in translating their impulses into thoughts and actions, making them appear impulsive. While this can be beneficial in some situations, it may also lead to rash decisions and a waste of time.
The ruling deities of Ashwini, the Ashwini Kumaras, are associated with charisma, character, healing, and suaveness, which are reflected in the physical and mental nature of the natives. These individuals possess a strong and adventurous spirit, blindly attracted to the challenges posed by the unknown. They derive pleasure from pursuits of heroism and possess a chivalric facet that is marked by courage.
Ashwini natives are intelligent, happy-go-lucky individuals who maintain a youthful and enthusiastic outlook on life, with age scarcely showing on their appearance. They possess a distinct sense of humor that is jovial and innocent, making them helpful and sensitive to the needs of others. However, their need for movement can make them impatient, resulting in a lack of endurance and short-term wisdom.
Resourceful and independent, Ashwini natives are pioneers in their pursuits, feeling different from others, and possessing a pioneering spirit. They love to stay well-dressed, often splurging on clothes and accessories. Overall, Ashwini individuals are straightforward and prefer the company of others with similar characteristics.

Quarters or Padas
Aries Navamsa (00.00–3.20 Aries): The first quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by physical activity, courage, impulsiveness and initiative.
Taurus Navamsa (3.20-6.40 Aries): This second quarter is ruled by Venus. It is marked by rationality, ingenuity, grace of healing and the materialization of imagination.
Gemini Navamsa (6.40-10.00 Aries): The 3rd quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by humor, communication, ability, comprehension and mental agility.
Cancer Navamsa (10.00-13.20 Aries): The 4th Pada is ruled by the Moon. It is known by a sense of collective consciousness, emotion and empathy.
Favorable Activities
Auspicious for beginnings like learning new things, laying foundation, healing or medicine, rejuvenation and restoration, self/physical improvements, brisk thought/action, equestrian activities, buying/selling, traveling, occultism, law, sacred installations, rechristening.
Unfavorable Activities
Marriage, conclusions, emotional and sexual activity, actions requiring patience, intoxication.
Measures to Remedy
Ashwini natives should worship Lord Ganesha and chant the root mantra “Om Am” and “Om Im” 108 times during the lunar transition of this nakshatra to alleviate afflictions. Wearing bright colors is also recommended.
In the words of Varahamihira, Ashwini natives have a pleasant appearance, manners and intelligence. They also have a tendency towards accessorizing themselves and excelling to their fields.
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
"Dali and the ace of fire.
The ace of fire is vitality, the ace of wands is purity.
The first elemental suit of the tarot is fire and the wands.
The ace is root. It reflects the source of your inner fire.
That is the potential. In you, and the potentiality represented to this as a sign in the tarot system of divination.
This artwork is from Salvador Dali’s representation of the one of wands, the ace of fire.
The crazy at its most endearing. The creative at its most beautiful.
The idea in its essence.
A Random Tarot Card Greeting - Your source reflects you to find your potential.
"Ace of Wands - Potential | Dali Tarot Deck