
Matters to be divined. Connecting with spirit. Intuition is very sharp to this tarot card, your own personal matters in divinations and practices will likely be accurate.
Inner voice, power, control. Strong intuition. In-tune with the forces of the universe. Priestess. Occult practitioner. Psychic tendencies.
Primal and goddess energy. The Uniting Consciousness. A pure, exalted, and gracious influence. Deeper wisdoms. Sound inner advice.
Mystic practices. A strong sense of awareness. Sharpened cognition. Resonant magical practices.
Fluctuation, reaction, change, alternation, increase and decrease, instability, secrets, things hidden, the unrevealed future.
Very strong energies around. Possible spirit experiences. Unexplained phenomena. Misguided awareness. Obstacles to a sense of clarity. Forces outside of control.
Mystic practices. Lack of clarity and skewed perspectives. Convolutions in methods and practices. Higher energies at play lacking resonance with querent’s own processes. Internal emotional reactions disconnecting from authentic experience.

You are the master of your universe, at least that is the aim of every mystic tradition, and so of each evolving soul to their own occult significance of the universe.
The four cornerstones of the magi are the elements, for he is the divine bridge of higher intelligence above worldly matter.
Beginner’s luck. Improvisation, new realities. Gifts of the spirit. Positions of influence. The Magician is that unconscious power which appears by magic at the most critical and difficult moments in life to offer guidance and wisdom. Points to potential skills and creative abilities not yet manifest, the four elements as his tools. All possibilities of communication, being playful and dynamic, working with the mind, the imagination, the heart and the body. Confidence, virility, sexuality, adaptability between ignorance and knowledge.
Wandering sense of mind, wavering of purpose. Lack of awareness. Difficulty adjusting to new realities, gifts of spirit. Inaccuracy. Temporary absences of personal will. Temporal discomforts.
Confidence, virility, sexuality, adaptability between ignorance and knowledge. But in this position, following the inner guide does not always mean making the choices which are secure and guarantee results. Use discretion in all matters, and stay in touch with your instincts, and aware of your predispositions.

A coat of quotes and passing poetry
Quote # 28