The emergence a river of sound, set upon in arrows bound together in their quiver.
The midsummer archer set in the sky, the sun to reflect.
Angled to cast in planetary musk to bask.
The objective apart, yet within reach.
Remaining in the constellations bonafide, a path through the skies.
Each star knows itself in the sun.
Every sky shares and answers as one.
Such is a sentiment that knows one’s self as the universe.
The sun and the sky, the pilgrim and the dweller.
The object of knowledge the stars begotten to be passerby.
Align is a learning curve. A diagonal wishing well in free form. Water words to endow, like the relief in a sigh.
Healing arched, tip-toed, a cube benign to ask square(where), and echoes entwine.
Just as every meaning calls in a verb to assign.