Thou art hidden from us, though the heavens are filled With Thy Light, which is brighter than sun and moon !
Thou art hidden, yet revealest our hidden secrets !
Thou art the Source that causes our rivers to flow.
Thou art hidden in Thy essence, but seen by Thy bounties.
Thou art like the water, and we like the mill- stone.
Thou art like the wind, and we like the dust ; The wind is unseen, but the dust is seen by all. Thou art the Spring, and we the sweet green garden ;
Spring is not seen, though its gifts are seen. Thou art as the Soul, we as hand and foot ; Soul instructs hand and foot to hold and take.
Thou art as Reason, we like the tongue ;
‘Tis reason that teaches the tongue to speak.
Thou art as Joy, and we are laughing ;
The laughter is the consequence of the joy.
Our every motion every moment testifies.
For it proves the presence of the Everlasting God.