A wandering mystic (Nusakan the star) wanders over the Sage Vasishta at the Great Bear constellation.
Nusakan was part of the Corona Borealis constellation, and was the original crown of the giants.
But Nusakan, who the Fool in the Tarot is derived from. was more inclined to love and devotion, than the regal nature of his older sibling, Alphecca, or Gem affectionately called, whose star is today known as the “Dervish’s Dish”, made famous by the Sufis and their beautiful dance mechanisms.
In time, the Northern Crown breaks, and the lineage of giants fades. In time, it is Nusakan’s ancestor Panchajanya whose giant skeleton is used to fashion a Conch Shell. The Conch Shell that would bring the Milky Way of Stars down to Earth as the Heavenly Ganga River.
But Nusakan’s story was quite different in his own right.
The Sage Vasishta is one of the Marraige stars, and at the time was the North Star of their Age.
The North Star and The Great Bear do not move around the Sun, rather the Sun and all the other stars and celestial objects of our galaxy move around the North Star and the Great Bear constellation.
Suffice to say, Vasishta’s sense of righteousness was always balanced to his wisdom eked out of knowledge. Vasishta was also known as Heaven’s test for all the stars of his own era and renown, and notorious to not favouring his own pupils unless they were willing to prove themselves deserved.
After successfully finding divine reflection, Nusakan was in preponderance about seeking out his earthly reflection, that which would then sift from the borrowed knowledge of his learning into wisdom.
He was told Love provides such a test. So he fell in love several times until he did. He learn that the act of falling needed to be complete, and not the efficacy of love’s emotion to divinity.
Somewhere along the way, another star Alphirk, the younger brother of the Great King Cepheus, and the Beta star of that constellation handed him a bowl of alms, as to cultivate humility, the rites of passage to the regal genes.
Alphirk was known as the Fakir and the flock, both for he served the people as much as he served for the royal crown that was his brother.
Armed then with a walking stick, and a bowl of alms, replete with knowledge and self-insight.
Found Nusakan Vasishta, near the midpoint of their abodes in Libra & Leo respectively.
Unbeknownst to them, their conversation was being heard & recorded by Dwadasanta, Agni’s galactic shadow, but that becomes another story.
“Who administer the test,
The one that loves you, or the one you love?
Most often, it would be the same, so it’s a small distinction but considerable in some cases?” Asked Nusakan.
“Most often, the ones you love will sidestep it and refuse to be treated differently enough to bear that responsibility.
And so, it would be the one that loves you that will step to task, even at the risk of their own belief system.
The interesting part is you cannot fail, when that happens.
Except that there is no one to protect you from yourself during that time, until it’s over.
And it begins, when you think it’s over.
That’s anticipation.
Or bated breath as the term goes.
Of course, all of this is true for both concerned.”
“The very question of faith is the answer that discerns it. How do one compensate without actively experiencing the very results of the conclusions as the self?”
“There is no other with another. You contest the other within yourself in order to know how to judge. And in that you are judging yourself for all of your prejudices & influences.
Hence attest. Is to administer.”
“And that is how judgement is love as a result.”
“Rather love is judgement when the time for it comes.
There is no if. But for it to be love, it must possess the ability to be progressively revelatory, as is the nature of the self, attested for itself.
And love attested for itself becomes then the act of judgment.
A magical chain for certain.
Love always remains thereafter, spiritual first, whether or not romantic.”
“And that is why the person judging cannot fail.”
“Indeed, the ones being judged cannot be failed by the one adjudging.
The reverse being true by its very decree.”
Vasishta smiled, sensing this repertoire felt familiar to another story, and noticed Dwadasanta…
- Beta Corona Borealis.
15°15’ Libra
– The pauper’s bowl, in the northern crown of the constellation Corona Borealis. Associated to the begging bowl of fakirs, mystic and the fool in old world tarot cards.
Excerpt : Star Stories & Poetry
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
"- Words from Adonis, the Syrian poet (born Ali Ahmad Said Esber). “So that your body moves wisely so that I move with it with what is above it below it.
and in between so that I surround you and break any barrier that separates you from me.I read the book of your priests I grow into your origins.
I taste their creatures and personify them in my delusions so that you become the dot,
and I become the script and shape. so that you become ‘From’ and what follows it .
I am not your sea I am not the swans you wait for I have nothing but limbs.
Limbs that get lost.
After I erased-discovered you,
lost in a fever whose outer reaches I have yet to discover.
‘About’ and what it possesses, where words cannot contain me,
where only imaginings and symbols can contain me.”
"Script and Shape | Adonis