An introduction to the cards and characters
The very nature of a tarot game is an infinity of variables.
And so as the prospect of making an app of the tarot has come about, the journey so far has been understanding how to sift and move to it.
A sense of Cosmos to an order through chaos.
The connecting of numbers to the idea is the essence of tarot divination.
Connecting the idea back simplified and de-mystified is a turn of this Wheel of Fortune. That would be the 1 and 0 from the number 10. If I didn’t agree, I would be reversed of that card.
But I would have to walk a mile and through several smiles before I could change the occasion or influence into that of another card.
For a Fool in its essence contains the Universe (the card 21), and all the other elements also in parts. (wands, cups, swords, pentacles)
The Fool is a horse without a name. He’ll carry you as a burden or you can find valour in his transport.
But once the read begins, you’re no longer the fool unless the cards say so. The cards too for that while become part of the self, your self.
But if you place a fool before the magician, you merely have a magician and a start of a story.
But when you place a Magician before the Fool. Then you know you have met me.
Now that you’re a magician yourself, you can think back on it.
It is indeed a crazy world in which I make sense. Indeed, I’m often Incense.

The Fool card meaning
The Dali deck of the Tarot has three characters in the card of the Fool.
The Spirit, the mystic and the horse.
As the fool, you are the message. Which character do you want should carry it for you?
That is the self. Some days you feel like the spirit, some days you feel like a mystic. Other days you just feel like the horse.
The card of the Fool represents the Self, and in all its infinite glory. And all that you shall consider in the entirety of your existence, and in everything you are as yourself.
The fool is the hero of the story, the 0 stands for all that is, and is naught.
But this is not the Dali tarot deck, and spirit and the horse cannot be seen. And so you reflect yourself into the mystic.
“With the Wand createth He. With the Cup preserveth He. With the Dagger destroyeth He. With the Coin redeemeth He.”

Since you are here, and this is indeed the start, should you want to know what it means if you received the Fool card in a reading. Read on.
The Fool
Divination meaning :

This a sign of the roots of one’s abilities, talents and sheer potential. A decision to start afresh, opening to new possibilities within, not explored yet. The sudden impulse which comes “out of the blue”. Like a young animal driven into life by instinct, not yet conscious or possessed of understanding.
The hero of your journey represents the irrational impulse toward change and opening life’s horizons into the unknown. These irrational impulses can sometimes be destructive and sometimes creative and often they are both at the same time. This is the willingness to risk, the courage to stand by oneself, independence, freedom, and following one’s own sense of idealism and inspiration.
“Thou art the breath, caressing my cheek, in thine incessant going; yet Thou art with me always.”
In spiritual matters, The Fool means idea, thought, spirituality, that which endeavors to transcend mere audacity.
When the time comes, as it always does, when the old rules, conceptual structures, prejudices and beliefs are not longer adequate to the challenges at hand, then a Divine Maniac is needed. Who lives in their own little private world, and so is not bound by the shared conventions, preconceptions or predispositions. The Gods of chance are at play. Are you that change?
The Fool represents the irrepressible Vital Spirit, overflowing its banks, roaring across the landscape, and carving new pathways where it will.
The blessed fool is the greatest possibility of understanding because the blessed fool has come to know that knowledge is futile. He has come to know that all knowledge is a barrier to knowing. Knowledge is a barrier to knowing, so he drops knowledge and becomes a pure knower. He simply attains to clarity of vision. His eyes are empty of theories and thoughts. His mind is no longer a mind; his mind is just intelligence, pure intelligence. His mind is no longer cluttered with junk; his mind is no longer cluttered with borrowed knowledge. He is simply aware. He is a flame of awareness.
You are that Fool, this is your time.
Reversed 0 – The Fool – Self inverse
Like a young animal driven into life by instinct, not yet conscious or possessed of understanding. The hero of your journey represents the irrational impulse toward change and the opening of one’s horizons into the unknown. These irrational impulses in this case may likely be destructive, possibly creative and certainly cusping sheer chaos for your sanity.

However and just the same, to this, there is an originality, an audacity, a tendency to iconoclasm, a venturesome quest of higher truth. The Fool especially reversed disturbs habits, breaks up customary modes of expression, forces readjustments. Thus, whenever the Zero card appears in a Tarot layout it signifies sudden readjustment, and often indicates the unexpected onset of chaotic conditions. In spiritual matters this is all too good.
“Thou art the breath, caressing my cheek, in thine incessant going; yet Thou art with me always.”
The Scintillating (or Fiery) Consciousness. It is the essence of the veil that is placed before the ordered arrangement of the Powers. Who walks this way acquires a special dignity: he can stand face to face before the Cause of Causes.
On a personal level, there are times in all of our lives when customary thought patterns have outlived their usefulness. Then it is time for a shake-up. And even if you don’t do consciously, matter sooner or later catches up to spirit. And thrown you into the void, the mystics of old. This is a time time of confusion, chaos and an ineffable craziness.
There are no rules for this. The only escape is inspired frenzy and the blind leap into the abyss. For you already there. Yes a sudden inspiration may suddenly bring you back to pure sanity. Until then, get to know prudence and tread accordingly to the reverse of the fool.