Star Personality Report
Sabian Symbols, degree details & all the Stars in your chart. The constellations as decanates. And much more. Understand the vibe of every planet’s relevance to you with astrology as means to understanding yourself.
*Vedic Sidereal chart and horoscope. Understanding the 360 degree format of Sabian symbols, degree vibes and Cuspal periods is also very useful in advanced readings such as past-life, karma & trancendance, divisional & harmonic charts, as with Personal sensitive points such Sahams (vedic), Arabic parts and greek lots.
Additionally, obscure chart points such Equatorial Ascendant, Polar ascendant, Imum Coehli (chart angles – nadir), as with Black Moon Lilith, Asteroids Chiron, Photographica, Philosophia etc. are all very useful to understanding aspects of the personality and our variable moods.
286 notable stars tracked across the 360 degrees of the Zodiac. 36 primary old world constellations delineated in decanates for additional influences to the chart’s house placements.
60-70 pages.
Cost of report - $ 30
Past-Life Astrology Report
Vedic astrology holds a divisional Chart that reflects our last relevant lifetime from an astrological point of view. The Key placements are often very useful (and poetic) in their exact degree and dynamic to the chart.
Using the Sabian Symbol and star formats to the degree, the primary chart is juxtaposed to the past-life D60 chart expanding on the nature of subconscious representation of every planet’s relationship to you. In other words, what it always ‘feels’ like in deeper patterns and experiences in life. Although these representations are abstract, this reading presents an unusually accurate vibe of influences that tend to repeat themselves over and over in life. Often transiting planets too tend to move our life story forward when conjunct these natal radix points.
100-120 pages.
- Exact time of birth is required for this report. Approximations can blur calculations for this.
Cost of report - $ 40

Sahams Report :
There are 37 special points in vedic astrology called Saham. These address various areas of the life such as blessings, marriage, success, trade, injury, love etcetera.
Using the degree detailing format together with Sabian symbols and stars, this report describes the various Life Saham Points, and what part of life they will occur. This is a very useful report in understanding our own patterns and influence in various areas of life.
(See product details for various Saham points list.)
60 pages
Cost of report - $ 30
Sahams plus Birthchart :
120 plus pages.
Cost of report - $ 50
Birthday Report : Yearly Sahams
37 special Saham points specifically for the year. They provide remarkable insight for the year ahead, an entirely different perspective from natal positions as well as transits.
60 pages.
Cost of report - $ 40
Birthday report plus Sahams.
Life Sahams, that is, 37 special points, and the yearly overview of those areas in life.
100 pages.
Cost of report - $ 50
Tantra Chart
The Tantra chart is represented in the 512th harmonic, which is the degree of precision each soul bears until its liberation. By that context, the tantra chart throws very interesting insight on a person’s nature of evolution as its direction.
The degree details are put together in Sabian symbols & stars juxtaposed to the natal planetary positions.
Cost of report - $ 40
Transcendance Plus Karma report.
Divisional chart 108, and 60th harmonic Chart.
Slightly different from the Past-life report but still useful if you find yourself stuck in patterns. While the 108 moksha chart is for liberation, it still provides the ends of the spectrum between Karmic patterns of repetition and the lessons most required for transcendence.
120 pages.
Cost of report - $ 45

Star Parans Report :
The rising, set and culminating stars for the 4 chart angles and primary planets.
Parans in their placement represent the various ages of an individual and stars’ influences through the course of one’s life.
Used in ancient and medieval ages, Star Parans is an entire system of astrology on its own.
Cost of Report - $ 55
Lunar Mansions Report.
All the chart points in Indian Lunar Nakshatras, Arabic Mansions and Chinese Mansions. Very revealing for all planets and chart points in their nature of influence.
60 Pages.
Cost of report - $ 25
Vedic Astrology Consultation :
Cost of Consultation - $ 40
Consultation after report : $ 30
Consultations & reports - Astrology rate card
A coat of quotes and passing poetry
Eternal Life, methinks, is the time of Union, Because time, for me, hath no place there.
Life is the vessels, Union the clear draught in them; Without Thee what does the pain of the vessels avail me?
I had twenty thousand desires ere this; In passion for Him not even (care of) my safety remained.
By the help of His grace I am become safe, because The unseen King saith to me,
‘Thou art the soul of the world.’
"Eternal Life | Rumi