Peace after pain is the theme of this card, which suggests rest, meditation, or a period of convalescence after anxiety or illness.
Restriction. A limited space for development and maneuver. Trying to push against constraints. Potentials to grow once the present limitations become less solid.
A quiet time of withdrawal and contemplation, a period of introversion and reflection, of emotional recuperation. Accept solitude and rest from sorrow so peace of mind and liberation can happen.
Conventional thinking, being confident that one’s traditional approach will resolve all demanding situations. Dogma, law, truce and compromise for social harmony.
Peace and order come out of struggle and strife. Becoming prepared for change by making plans.
Wait with patience.
Denotes a feeling of isolation; the postponement of a decision that must be made; and the need to be wise and diplomatic.
Quiet needed to examine thoughts and organize life. A time to renew energies after an episode of stress.
A temporary feeling of being out of touch with life.
Problems in work must be dealt with diplomatically. Avoid hasty decisions.
A temporary Illness or a period of enforced seclusion may yet prove to be a blessing in disguise.

Harmonious uniting of heaven and earth, divine protection and power to transcend the mundane world into inspiration and crystallisation.
Conjunction with the universal intellect and the insight that there are endless possibilities of existence as we connect with feeling, instinct, imagination or intuition.
Openness, simplicity, return to nature. Purity, honesty. Showing yourself “as you are,” accepting one’s body and desires. Generosity. Luck from heaven. Intuitive feeling of guidance or energy corning from a higher plane.
This is sum and cumulation of all of all our past decisions and conscious choices, when seen from the Universal perspective.
There is great silence, calm and mystic experience in this card, provided we look inward.
Either way, this is a sign of our ‘twinkling’ light, whether as light in the eyes or outer glow. There are usually several insights to this portent and sign. Celebrate or meditate, this can be a very fruitful time.
Blind hope. Naive optimism and wishful-thinking. Exposing oneself to danger or abuse. Difficulty in setting proper boundaries. Squandering, wastefulness.
Self-doubt could impede progress temporarily,
but confidence will likely find itself restored. A renewal of mental, physical, and spiritual energy.
Apply balance and restraint, there is immense subconscious process brimming inside you under the surface.
Reconnect with inner silence, and clarity with inspiration will undoubtedly heal you.

A new thought, a newfound inner peace, renewed vision and consciousness anew.
Consciousness is the sky-blue of contemplation, and thoughts are as if clouds clutter the soul’s sky-line.
In order to center yourself, Imagine consciousness as the sky, and observe the thoughts as they go by, let them pass, and if any lingers remove it gently and return to inner silence.
Consciousness experiences alters the person on primal levels. And the healing of every moment of built-up inner silence builds to a reservoir of strength and wisdom in cognitive and mental evolution.
All matters and spirit of consciousness thrive in silence, with that single thought, this card salutes your quietened peaceful state of being.
An inner and outer change is due to happen.
Just rewards likely for past efforts are assured. Despite the odds, any matter indicated by this card has an incredible chance of success.
A card of great force, either for good or ill (depending upon-the surrounding cards), the Ace of Swords can mean conquest. It carries a sense of something unpreventable that will change the entire life. When reversed, it implies victory with disastrous results and weakness of will.
An inevitable event may alter your entire life.
Check your details. Make sure future plans are in order.
There’s something amiss, especially in a new venture is involved.
An awakening of sorts could result in the shedding of outworn beliefs.
Conflict with others over new ideas or plans.
Opposition from others, but success is inevitable despite this.
The emergence of a new creative viewpoint depends on the will to fight. This a is card of finding your inner consciousness.

Spirit of leadership with a steady power to manifest visions
Outgoing, impulsive, symbolising active and creative imagination.
The generation of change, enthusiastic and possessing self-confidence. Generous and helpful to those believed to have talent and ability.
With authority and determination, the wisdom to create and destroy one’s own life. And others. As well as preserve.
A mature attitude to urges and desires. Controlled creativity. Prodding oneself to make a move forward. Investing present assets in future projects.
Financial gain to creative effort. Help in promotion of ideas will bring unexpected success.
Plans to move forward are frustrated by self-defeating acts. Hesitation, conflicts, tendency to make things too heavy and complex.
Impatience, bad loser, male chauvinist, selfishness, fanaticism.
Undervaluing of the emotional needs of others. Beware of hasty judgments.
Driven by the desire or power could prove dangerous.
Ensure all information is correct before acting.
Intolerance might put a strain on working relationships.

A sense of embodying your inner truth. Receptivity, refinement and openness in an innately empathetic nature.
Feminine beauty, embodying the hypnotic power and the catalyst for the emergence of depth and feeling. An image of the unconscious, of intense passion or fate.
A mystery in itself, motivated by deep purpose. Sometimes introverted and magical, loving wholeheartedly or hating equally so.
A mature woman, caring and compassionate, experienced in an eventful and emotional life and consequently sympathetic to the problems of others. If this is not you, you will encounter someone of this nature. If this is you, you would welcome & guide someone.
Capable of activating the depths in others and calling for action and conflict without doing anything overt.
A rich inner world which is kept hidden. Guarding one’s privacy or valuable assets. Strong feelings held under control.
Valuable insight into own motivation gained through a challenging female person.
The deepening of inner knowledge aids self-development and awareness. A woman might enter life and reveal new possibilities.
Stirs up trouble wherever she goes, defies rational analysis, can live her life through others and neglect her own reality. If this is not you at the moment, then you will encounter someone like this.
Closure, defensiveness. Distrust of others due to negative past experiences. Hiding one’s emotions under guise of rational criticism.
Emotional independence brought about by realization of own strength.
A close female friend that shows lack of sympathy. Deception from a woman who knows some secrets.
When setting a target, take care that vital factors are not ignored.
Follow your own heart to achieve the impossible or difficult.
Rational thinkers can sometimes suffer through ignoring intuitive urges.
An urge to help others with their problems may become of paramount importance.

A solid base and benefits that are already evident. The necessary impasse when different elements harmonise before ignition.
A time of reward for efforts made. This domestic fire that’s constant and active energy.
One finds security and confidence in creative abilities, friendships and strong ties. An open opportunity or closed security. Beauty and harmony as the ideal.
Perfected work that brings future successes.
A new romantic attachment that brings happiness.
Stalemate. A temporary stop in order to prepare for future advancement. Tensions at present, but good prospects in the long run. Making a move now is in nobody’s interest.
Narrow-mindedness that may lead to stubbornness or needing to seek objectivity.
Further efforts required to actualise goals.
Unfulfilled romantic yearnings.
An overtly materialistic outlook can smother creativity.
Exclusivity, snobbery.

Common sense, responsibility, practicality, working hard for what you want and finishing what you start. Perseverance and determination.
Stable, reliable and patient. Ambitious, hard-working, protective and honest. However, the Knight of Pentacles may have issues with showing emotions.
If you are looking for work, an opportunity should present itself.
Knight of Pentacles is a good omen indicating profits & building your financial security for the future.
This is a wish card, If you are going through spiritual upheaval, it tells you that if you take each challenge one step at a time and you will overcome.
Knight of Pentacles reversed can represent a lack of common sense, responsibility, or wants rewards and recognition.
It can also indicate that someone who fits the Knight’s reversed qualities may be coming your way! You would do well to steer clear of this person for a while until they slow down enough in life.
If there is indeed a sheer of ambition, look to the skills you do have. You may find your true strengths misdirected at the moment. Ground yourself, there is still genius in this card if this represents you.
In a spiritual context, this tells you that you have to put the effort in if you want your dreams to become a reality. But you must slow down to pace yourself.

A coat of quotes and passing poetry
Now, on sea and land descending,
Brings the night its peace profound:
Let our vesper hymn be blending With the holy calm around.
Soon as dies the sunset glory, Stars of heaven shine out above,
Telling still the ancient story— Their Creator's changeless love.
Now, our wants and burdens leaving To his care who cares for all,
Cease we fearing, cease we grieving; At his touch our burdens fall.
As the darkness deepens o'er us, Lo! eternal stars arise;
Hope and Faith and Love rise glorious, Shining in the Spirit's skies.
"Vesper Hymn | Samuel Longfellow